The Jigoku Shōujo anime series was later adapted into a manga, which featured art by Miyuki Eto. It has been serialized in Kodansha's Nakayoshi shojo manga magazine since October 2005. While the stories are mostly original, chapters 4 and 10 are adapted from their respective anime episodes (in the first season), while chapter 2 is adapted from anime episode 9. Chapter 17 is adapted from episode 8 of Futakomori.
Due to the difference in media, Ai's modus operandi in the manga is somewhat different from the anime. She has been seen attending the same schools as some of her student-clients. Also, the straw figurine with the string was not featured in the first few chapters. Subsequently, its appearance is no longer as ubiquitous as its anime counterpart. Ai's clients need only to accept the contract, and the victims' torture by Ai and her helpers would then begin. In some cases, the torture begins after she has rung her bracelet in front of her victim (and not before as seen in the anime). The appearance of the boat in which Ai uses to ferry her victims to Hell is reduced as well. Notably, although Sentaro Shibata is featured, Tsugumi and Hajime are not. Also, Kikuri has made appearances from volume 4 onwards.
The manga has recently been licensed by Del Rey Manga, and the first volume, titled Hell Girl, was released January 2008. The second volume was released in May 2008.
So far, six volumes of Hell Girl have been released and a seventh volume is said to be released by winter of 2010.
Hell Girl by Miyuki Eto have 4 manga literation: 1 Hell Girl (based on 1st and 2nd season of anime) 2 New Hell Girl (based on 3rd season of anime) Told the story of Yuzuki Mikage, the new successor of Hell Girl 3 Hell Girl R Ai return after his disappearance 4 Hell Girl: Enma Ai Selection, Super Scary Story