I HATE this episode so much. You can't get revenge on someone who hasn't done anything wrong. This nurse was a wonderful person who didn't deserve this in the slightest. This episode is flat out cruel for no reason and I hate it for it. Tsugumi especially got on my nerves. I know she's just a child and has a lot to learn but I never was thinking someone should be condemmed to eternal suffering when I was her age. Humans have no right to do such a thing and her insistance that they should is annoying. I do feel bad about her and she does get better later on but for a while there she was really irritating me. God of this universe has to have rescued the nurse and brought her to Heaven. There is no way he wouldn't since she didn't do a single thing wrong.
- I wholeheartedly agree. This episode left a bad aftertaste. It didn't make sense, because you can't send anybody you don't truly hate to hell, and there was seemingly no reason for that man to hate her from what I understood, especially given the fact that she didn't even know him. We can always make theories, but personally, I think this was a bad way to make Tsugumi realize how messed up the whole thing is. - Kai 12 (talk) 16:23, June 9, 2016 (UTC)